Tell stories with the reportage of Alessandro Gandolfi. (more…)

From the 10th to the 24th of March “L’oro di Gaza”: a photo exhibition born from the beautiful pics of Alessandro Gandolfi, shotted between 2010 and 2013, whose talk about the lives, the dreams and the hope of the people living in the stripe. (more…)

The 5th, 7th and 8th: three days dedicated to the women’s empowerment. An opportunity to promote the awareness and go deep further a nowday’s theme.

“AI: psychics changes and ethics problem” by La Spezia degli Ulivi.


A virtuale voyage, seen trough the expert eyes of the seaside and its safeguard.

Edizioni Giacchè presents the book “Abbandonati. Luoghi e paesi fantasma della Liguria.” written by Ascosi Lasciti and Davide Calloni. (more…)

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